Surgical Dermatology

Dr. Brown has advanced training in skin surgery and have performed thousands of skin procedures for the removal of both benign and cancerous growths. Seeing a skilled surgical dermatologist, such as Dr. Brown, ensures that you are not only properly diagnosed, but also treated in the most cosmetically sensitive fashion.

Dr. Brown and her staff aim to provide the highest quality of care possible for all their patients. Surgeries are performed in modern procedure rooms with surgical exam chairs and lighting. It is also important to note that in this era of cost conscious medicine where many patients have high deductibles, outpatient procedures lead to a much lower overall cost than if these procedures were performed in a hospital or surgical center.


There are a variety of benign skin growths that may bother a patient including cysts, lipomas (fatty growths), moles and birthmarks. Our team is trained to evaluate, diagnose and remove these lesions. They can discuss removal options with you and determine the best approach taking into consideration your concerns.


Dr. Brown has significant experience in nail surgery for both the diagnosis and treatment of nail disorders and nail tumors. Skin cancer can occur on the nail and is often diagnosed later than cancer of the skin because of patient and provider reluctance to biopsy. Dr. Brown has performed hundreds of nail surgeries. If you are in need of a nail procedure, she will help put you at ease and minimize your discomfort during and after the surgery.


Dr. Brown has numerous methods in which she can easily remove skin tags. Some skin tags are able to be removed with liquid nitrogen or electrocautery; however, some require procedural removal. For larger skin tags, the skin is anesthetized then they are removed within seconds and only a minor “scrape” has to heal.


Many patients come to Southern Dermatology and they have had a cyst or bump for many years. Often patients fear they may need general anesthesia or the process will be painful. Our team ensures you have maximal comfort! All cyst removals are quick, easy and leave minimal scarring.


Dr. Brown and her team comply with National Cancer Center Network Institute guidelines for the treatment of skin cancers, including but not limited to basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.


Some skin cancers can be treated with procedures other than surgery, such as an in-office procedure called an electrodessication and curettage or topical or intralesional chemotherapy. Our team will be sure to counsel you on all of your possible treatments and come up with a plan that is right for you.


If you have an old surgical or traumatic scar, Dr. Brown has worked on prior wounded warriors in the US Army to perform surgical scar revision. These procedures can be difficult, so ensuring you are seeking a skilled Dermatologist is the utmost importance. Our staff will help walk you through the process and make sure you know the expectations of the procedure and are satisfied with your results.